
J is very pleased with the progress of her sunflowers. The ones we potted on soonest are now as tall as the sides of the greenhouse and are forming dramatic spiked flower buds, so we are looking forward to colourful blooms soon. Yesterday we ate our first raspberries of the year - they are autumn fruiting varieties and will now continue to fruit until November. The redcurrants are ready to pick, lettuces are almost ready to start eating, the first strawberries are turning pink and a few tomatoes are starting to blush red. Less positively, I spent a long time this afternoon with a tub of slightly soapy water and an old toothbrush, trying to clean all the aphids off the Brussels sprout and calabrese plants. They are the same as the ones I reasonably successfully removed rom the cauliflower plants  last week. It's tedious, but they are, or were, good, well developed plants which should be in the garden by now and will be part of our staple diet, so I'm keen to save them if I can.

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