Got my crutches dusted off today…

And gave the whole house a clean up. If this op goes ahead on Thursday it won’t get another spring clean for a very long time. I even tidied and vacuumed under my bed. How many pairs of Crocs can one person keep under a single bed? A lot! And many colours. I also found a pair of walking boots I’d forgotten I bought. I’ve only worn them half a dozen times. Somebody will get a bargain at the charity shop. My trusty old pair will do me OK for the very infrequent times they get an outing over here…
And I read all the information leaflets the MSG gave me. Even followed the link to the site the anesthetist recommended reading and I was very happy to see that they consider sedation an option rather than a must have. Maybe I’m the only person who can honestly say they enjoyed the bunion ops on their feet and also a colonoscopy because for both these I turned down sedation. Something to consider….

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