Celebrating - backblip

60 years of the Staffordshire Gliding Club.  Mr HB used to be a member of the Club and was invited to join everyone in the celebrations.  After a few days of lovely weather it was a shame that the wind came back in force and the rain clouds too.  Still we all made the best of it, short trial lessons in gliders were able to take place, a few vintage cars were on show, particularly this gorgeous vintage Rolls Royce, Silver something …….. ? and the large model aircraft waited patiently until the end of the afternoon when the wind dropped sufficiently to enable them to give a very good display – meanwhile everyone rugged up, picnicked whilst the wonderful band played on.  Hog roast at 7pm and a warm in the large marquee was very welcome and where toasts, thanks, lovely cakes and a lot of memories were shared.

Maggie, our friends’ little granddaughter in extra seemed to be enjoying the band – and cake!

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