Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

How are you?

Back in Barcelona after our overnighter at Peñiscola. Well worth it!

A nice breakfast in the hotel, a walk, and then the drive back was fine. We arrived back in time to catch the last 20 mins in a garden centre up the top of the city to buy bags of soil, a few big plant pots and a couple of little plants to replace the ones that didn't survive this recent heatwave. We were taking advantage of the rented car. Dropped the things off at home and then dropped off the car.

A good walk in the afternoon taking my step count up to around 75,000 steps this week.  We walked around the gardens of the old maternity hospital in our barrio as part of our walk. Really lovely. It's now government buildings I think, but everyone still calls La Maternitad.
Lovely weekend, lots of steps today. I hope this means a good night's sleep tonight as it's still very hot.

My blip is outside a cultural centre in Les Corts. 

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