
A quick trip to London this afternoon for the judging of the three prize winners in the Law Society Art Group exhibition at the Rolls Building. Nearby, where the Strand narrows before the beginning of Fleet Street, is a large "island " on which is situated the church of St Clement Dane, the RAF Church. In front of the church are three statues, the most imposing of which is this one of William Gladstone who, when he left office for the fourth and final time in 1894, became the oldest person at the age of 84 to serve as Prime Minister. Gladstone started his political career as a Tory but switched to the Peelite faction which turned into the Liberal Party. It was as a Liberal that he held the highest offices, serving as Prime Minister for a total of 12 years spread over four terms between 1868 and 1894. A colossus of the Victorian age, Gladstone is buried in Westminster Abbey.

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