lrjlo - Suburban Explorer

By lrjlo

Tweeting the old-fashioned way

What do you reckon robins are really saying when they sing their sweet songs? I think it'd be something like "Gerroff my land. Don't even think about invading my territory or I'll deck you."

I went out at lunchtime for a walk in the park and also went on a long walk after work through the park and even got a few far off shots of a kingfisher. However the most interesting photo I got was when I got home and spotted this robin sitting on a wire singing sweetly outside my house. I got some photos using my compact camera but by the time I'd gone inside and collected my DSLR it had hidden in a tree where it was hard to focus on and I thought the neighbours might be a bit freaked out by me standing outside their house with a telephoto lens looking into their front garden.

About work, I told my boss I was bored and feeling unmotivated and he has said he will try to find me some more worthwhile work to do during down times when I run out of things to do. I know it's not normally done to admit to your boss that you've got nothing to do but I feel pretty down when I'm bored and just killing time and I feel I'm able to be honest and open without it being used against me. So I'm feeling a bit better about things, but still trying to think about what I want longer term, whether that's maybe a different role in the company or somewhere different. I'd like to do something more analytical I think.

Oh and I know I posted a robin a couple of days ago but this is a different robin in a different town and I couldn't help myself.

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