Book feast

Very quiet day in my kitchen office. A couple of things cancelled for various reasons so I just worked through the morning then a haircut at lunchtime and returned for a zoom meeting. I’d originally planned to be in London for it but am very glad I didn’t go….I felt I had very little to say and it was a lot easier from here, despite poor acoustics from the meeting room.
Collected A and did the last of the ironing then book group at C’s. Shame we were missing some of our group…two to Covid and one on holiday, but we had a lovely time. We’d been reading Ghost Wall by Sarah Moss and all enjoyed it, although we debated whether the ending was too predictable. It’s a story about re-enactors living as early Britons in Northumberland and C had made a number of dishes that linked to the story. We had ancient grain flatbreads and wild garlic butter with a delicious starter of asparagus and a salad of pears, walnuts and leaves. Main course was mackerel with potatoes, courgette ribbons and more leaves and a nettle pesto (apologies the photo doesn’t do justice to it….rather a tumble on my plate!), then dessert was oven roasted peaches with honey and pistachios, raspberries, pistachio ice cream and chocolate sorbet (both home made). We talked about C’s weight loss regime as we chomped through this feast! The evening was lovely and the chat as always ranged widely….so nice to meet up again after I missed last month’s group. Dropped people at the station/home then back for a bit of chat with A before bed.

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