Play with Clay Day

I've had a lovely day playing with clay and walking Bella. Last full day on my own before Mr W returns. I also managed to sell a slab roller!

I wanted to practice pinch pots and coiling again. 

My plan is to make Message Mugs. You can have any message you like printed in the bottom of a mug. Imagine drinking a cup of coffee and reading "Marry Me?" when you get to the bottom of it?? 

My coiled mug turned out a bit big so its a Pot!!!!

Honestly, playing with clay is just so therapeutic and if it goes wrong you just screw it up and start again. Nothing gets wasted. Its all recycled - down to the gravel in the bottom of your washing up bowl!!!

I literally can't wait to get started properly. DN2 has decided she too wants to learn. I can't wait to teach her. 

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