Impoftheyard's photos

By impoftheyard


Today's title is because I've been messing around with the colour in this shot before converting to black and white in an attempt to mimic effects from DogenZenji's IR photography. I didn't really start with the best photo for it as this one has no sky. Still, it was fun.

Today's blip was taken on a visit to the duck pond to see if there are any little ones. I'm hoping there will be soon as there are very few females in evidence and pairs of male mallards patrolling. Isn't blip great? It makes you go out and look. I discovered that my local pond has ducks I couldn't yet identify, a moorhen and a coot as well as the swans.

Now I'm going to start cooking and chill out... Hope you're having a good Wednesday blippers...

Here's the near miss blip.

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