
The big old cement mixer rolled in and they pumped a whole load of cement in through the light well. It was quite an operation. It felt like Kevin Macleod ought to have been out front in a hard hat (most likely ruminating on the inevitable issues up ahead and the inexperience of the project manager).

As you can see, the front garden (which has been lavished with tlc of late) lies under a layer of dust and rubble. But the acer, which has been given room to breathe, is joyful nonetheless. She/he (I know not which) somehow looks as if they’re flirting with passers by these days. Is it possible for a plant to be coquettish?

Indoors, Master Isaac watched in awestruck wonder from the landing window and I occasionally peeped down the cellar steps to watch them work (though I attempted to be more discreet than Isaac).


1. Fun meetings;
2. An hour having a cup of tea with the head builder - he answered three million questions;
3. A fun drive to athletics with the girls.

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