Lesley's day by day

By lesleydiack


This was the view from the flat window this morning. And now we know why the flag was flying at Holyrood. Princess Anne was there. The parade was for home 450 soldiers from 1st Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland (1 SCOTS) took part in the homecoming parade on Saturday, 20 April.

The battalion also accepted the Freedom of the City of Edinburgh on behalf of the Royal Regiment of Scotland; bestowed by Edinburgh's Lord Provost during the homecoming parade.

Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal, Royal Colonel of 1 SCOTS, also attended the event, and presented Operational Service and United Nations Medals to a selection of members of the battalion who took part in Operation Herrick 17 in Afghanistan and Operation Tosca in Cyprus, respectively.

The medals ceremony took place at the Palace of Holyroodhouse following the parade.

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