Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit

Red Chestnut (Aesculus Carnea)

Red Chestnut is the Bach Flower Essence for people who, as Dr Bach said "Find it difficult not to be anxious for other people".

Red Chestnut flower essence is for people who worry about others, often assuming the worst has happened to them. My mother was a real Red Chestnut type and if we were expecting visitors who were even 5 minutes late she would think they'd had a car accident. If the phone rang after 10pm at night her heart would lurch thinking it was news of a death. It's no wonder I still get uptight about being late in case I make people worry and I'd never phone anyone after 10pm at night unless we'd arranged it in advance.

Red Chestnut flower essence is useful if you worry too much on other people's behalf. Worrying for someone else projects out your fear and is not useful either for yourself or the other person. It is much healthier to trust that others are well but if you find it difficult to do that then Red Chestnut will help. It enables you to empathise with others without being fearful for them.

PS My 50th blip already - encouraged by all the lovely comments from lovely Blippers, thank you everyone.

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