Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Readers …. I bring you ..

ANOTHER bed shot . They spend a significant amount of time in the darn thing .
Poor mum cat Dr Meredith … we had noticed she was a little off colour last night , but often mum cats get worn out and can get exhausted, however Meredith didn’t eat her breakfast or lunch , I phoned the vets and I have to say our vets are exceptionally good , they made a space this evening to see her and poor girl has a terrible infection in her stomach . She’s probably had it since living in that house of hell .
Anyway one injection of antibiotic and some paste to soothe her tummy enabled her to eat a small amount of very fancy cat food . I was ready to start cooking her salmon and chicken . We have more antibiotics for a few days .
Once again I’ve neglected housework as I’ve been taking 67,890 photos of kittens .

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