Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

The saga continues

The ladybird saga continues, we were lucky enough to spot the top left shot just after she had emerged from her pupa. She was bright yellow, and already pretty active. An hour later she had developed some spots but her shell case was still mainly yellow, the bottom right shot was an hour after that and the spots are much darker.... two hours later she had gone completely. Quite fascinating. It will complete its transformation to red over the next day or so.
Here is a video showing what is in my shots.

Church this morning and an absolute downpour which fortunately I missed. The garden needs rain, but I'd prefer it to be overnight please!
We had a Cursillo team meeting on Zoom this evening good but not quite the same as the real thing which I'm looking forward to at the next one, in August.
Beautiful sky tonight.

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