Bird watching

Teddy spends a lot of time bird watching, or rather listening to them in the garden. Fortunately he never manages to catch them. The same can’t be said for voles and field mice.
We got another sharp  reminder today on  just how dependent we are on technology. M lost his mobile phone and for a few hours it was panic stations all around.  Then we got a phone call from his brother-in-law in London to say Sainsburys in Stirling had rung him to say that a phone had been handed in by one of their drivers. It was found on the road, smashed, having fallen out of M’s pocket while cycling. Fortunately some emergency numbers were in the phone wallet.

So a special thank you to that driver for taking the time to hand in the phone. At least it put our minds at rest that it had not been stolen and someone was busy trying to hack into it.

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