
By malcolmjm

Shenzhen: School Photo

And when we say 'School Photo', we mean a Whole-School Photo.

Postponed from last Friday, due to a big old tropical downpour that lasted the day, this was just the beginning of what, for the Grade 6 (Year 7) students was a full hour of sitting in the sun in 'best dress uniform' - think British public school: blazer, collar and tie, dress pants etc - while the rest of the school got into position (all the way down to our 'Nursery' 3 year olds). Everyone did look amazing and the Shenzhen sun was pretty restrained but I was amazed that none of our 470 kids fainted. The school nurse had to send an email alert to ensure that air conditioners were set no lower than 25 degrees C for when the kids came back inside, so as not to freeze-dry our dripping wet, flushed bunnies.

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