Hedging his bets.

It was  raining heavily when we woke up this morning. After breakfast, J decided he was going to defrost the freezer in the kitchen ( we have another one in the shed) The problem is, as the freezer is under the counter, which is directly behind the kitchen door, I had to stay out of the kitchen, so I was limited what I could do. I happened to look out of our bedroom window, and saw the hedgehog moving quite quickly over the patio. I passed the camera to J, and he took a few photos of him. You can just see the hosepipe underneath him. He froze when he saw J, and hurried back over the patio.  He didn't realize the patio had a slight drop down, and he fell over on his back. You could see his little pink belly, but luckily he wasn't hurt and quickly disappeared back down the garden. I have cleaned the bathroom, and numerous other boring jobs. 

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