Trampers Tales

By Tramper

Decisions, Decisions.

Looking to replace my ageing "Powershot", but which one to go for?
I have in mind the Fuji X10, Olympus XZ1 or even the Samsung EX2F.
My ideal compact would have an F1.8 lens, Viewfinder, and "Bulb" setting on the shutter, but of course everything is a compromise.
As cameras are supposed to be cheaper in Gibraltar, off I went; it was despairing and funny at the same time; all seem to be run by Asians (Nothing against the Asian race) it's just that Thailand connection, are the products genuine or very good copies? or am I just paranoid?
Most of them are quite flexible in their pricing, but sometimes I wonder "How can you go that low?" None of them seem to know anything about what they are selling; upon enquiring what the difference was between an Fuji X20 and an X10 one guy just thought for a few seconds and said "Well they've improved it" and gave me a look as if to say "That should explain everything." So What do I do? take a chance and go for the lowest price I can get, or pay a bit more and obtain it from a reputable store or website. Another option is looking around in America on our trip in a short while, but I don't think my wife would appreciate the decor and ambience of stateside camera shops.
Decisions, decisions. as for the camera itself, decisions, decisions.

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