Black As Ink

Ollie dog and I positioned ourselves in the whispering grass next to a clump of knapweed by a stand of lady's bedstraw in our field. I could smell the, slightly sickly, honeyed perfume of the bedstraw. I thought of the Ink Spots, my father's favourite, as I willed an Essex skipper butterfly to visit.

I'm pleased to say that I'm absolutely sure that this is an Essex skipper. There is no hint of ginger at the tips or along the shafts of its antennae. The tips look, exactly as has been described by experts, as though they have been dipped in black ink. That got me thinking of the classic Stephens' ink with the ink blot trade mark. I don't think it's available now. 

I love that we in Essex have our own butterfly. Many women in Essex make the most of their eyes with black eyeliner, kohl and smokey shadow. It's part of the 'Essex girl' look. I used to wear loads of make-up when I was young. I've never worn false eyelashes but people here wear them all the time now. Last time I photographed the Maldon Mud Race many women had them in place.     

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