Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

It was so hot that I felt like I might burst into flames, and I actually did!  I was afraid this might happen if I stayed out in the sun too long!  Fortunately, PD was watering the garden and turned the hose on me!  

A silly story (with a little help from PhotoLab) in remembrance of Admirer.  Many thanks to davidc for keeping the challenge going and for hosting today!

There was actually a hose involved in today's activities, but it was directed at Piper.  She and her dad went for a walk, and she was doing her usual sniffing when she rolled onto her back and rubbed her body in the grass.  Unfortunately, it was poop she had rolled in.  He did his best to clean her off in the stream and made her sit in the back of the car on an old blanket.  He had called ahead, and I was waiting outside with the hose and shampoo.  She got a front lawn bath (how humiliating!) and only tried to make a run for it once.  After a good scrubbing and rinsing, we "dried" her with towels.  She has so much fur that she's actually still a little damp, hours later.  Now she's shedding so badly that I literally get a handful of fur when I pet her.  She hates being brushed (second only to being bathed on the front lawn) but that's first on the agenda for tomorrow.

I am grateful that I remembered where I had stored the dog shampoo!

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