
By Transitoire

Journée de Farniente

Unlike some poor souls, I finally got to have a lie-in while others had to work! Very exciting. I know the life of leisure will only be lasting a week or so before a new job starts but hey ho...

Met up with Julien for lunch in the sunshine...definitely going to have to be careful I don't burn, especially with my "English skin". Saying that, I'm starting to get a little peeved with how everyone is teasing me about my skin colour...I mean, I know I'm a whiter shade of alabaster but I know lots of French people with the same shade as me - what makes it English? Anyhows, really enjoying the sun...long may it last - so much easier to take photographs in it! And talking of photographs, this is one of Place Maréchal-Foch...and to be completely honest I can't tell you much more than that! I think the column was made to celebrate the success of the débarquements but that is pretty much it. It's quite a nice place though, and right next to the Prairie.

My evening was spent catching up on stuff, including a quick trip to Sémaphore followed by chez Thomas to pick up my headphones I had left there from the Skyping session yesterday. I did stop for a little bit to watch television with the boys, although not typical "male" television I guess...instead a makeover programme in which I (and the boys) thought that the majority of people looked better beforehand. Oh la France!

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