Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Another Girl Another Planet

Ipod Shuffle challenge day - 6, or is it 7?

Another Girl Another Planet - one of the finest songs every recorded, certainly amongst my Desert Island Discs and I love that my Ipod chose it.

Didn't love that it chose it on a Wednesday as Wednesdays are crazy in our house. We grabbed 5 minutes in between golf and school and tutoring and scouts and economics lectures and my ever obliging daughter posed for me. Well, she was obliging for about 20 seconds so this will have to do!

I could write about Sarah for hours. She has had many challenges in life, many more to come, but she faces them all cheerfully and she keeps my feet very squarely on the ground. She is the light of my life.

Off to perform taxi duties for another few hours now. Happy Wednesday everyone.

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