Windmill 'De Korenbloem', Scherpenisse

'Korenbloem' = ''koren-BLOOM' = cornflower
'Scherpenisse' = 'SHKHer-pe-nis-suh'

Shot late in the afternoon, after most of the clouds had evaporated.  It could have been possible to take a panoramic shot if the mill had not been facing the house next door.  As it was, there was not much space behind me for a wide angle as I would have ended up in someone's backyard.  Maybe they wouldn't have minded, but I do not like to get into the habit of taking such things for granted.

The windmill has been around since 1872, and its problem at the start was the same as the Tower of Pisa -- the ground was not firm enough.  The issue persisted on and off until early this century, made more complicated by some changes in ownership.  It appears to have been resolved and hopefully it will stay that way for a long while yet.

Trying to take advantage of good weather whenever possible, but I need to keep an eye on the odometer.

In the evening, we followed (AW with the TV, the Ellaphant online) the progress of Tim van Rijthoven's 'epic' match against Djokovic.  ('Rijthoven' = 'RIGHT-hoven')  We knew it was a fat chance he was going to win, although he did win at least one set, but he did do his best, and the experience will surely have taught him some valuable lessons.  He was happy with what he had achieved up to that point. Better next time!  In the meantime, one Dutchman left -- van de Zandschulp ('Sand-SHKHulp') and he'll be facing Nadal.  Wonder how that will go.  Best of luck to him!

The Tour de France has begun, too.  A Dutchman, Jakobsen, won the second leg yesterday, another Dutchman, Groeneveld ('Grooneveld') won today.  The two, though, are not on speaking terms because Groeneveld rammed into Jakobsen a year ago, causing much injury, and the rift has not been patched up since then.  A pity... but life goes on, and the race, too.

Thank you for dropping by and leaving stars.  It is much appreciated.

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