Sandcrab Blips

By Sandcrab

Wonton or Wanton

My wee cat is 20 now give or take a couple of years. Her precise age is uncertain because she's a second-hand cat. Her name's uncertain too.

In the next pen at the cat rescue centre where I chose my wee cat nine years ago was a young cat whose previous owner, a child, had left a letter explaining that they'd had to give her up reluctantly because their landlord wouldn't allow pets; they described what food & toys she liked; finally they asked the new owner not to change her name which was Baby Bel. But the name on the pen was Babs - the cat rescue workers had changed.

Anyway, the point of that story is that the cat rescue people may have had a habit of changing cats' names. The name on my wee cat's pen was Wonton, but, on some of the older paperwork, it was Wanton. There was also the name of her previous owner, an old man who'd died. His surname was unusual enough in Scotland that I was able to find out something about him; he seems to have been an unmarried antiques salesman who probably moved here from England in his retirement around the time of Wonton's birth. There's a saying wanton kittens make sober cats. Perhaps a young Wonton adopted him and naming her Wanton was his joke.

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