Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Saturday morning broke clouded and breezy in Bedford, as demonstrated by this nonchalant rooftop construction-worker, viewed some 165 metres from my attic window.
Of course that meant I needed to consider clothing for travelling through Britain as well as arriving in the South of France. Bugger!
So on went jeans, dense tee shirt and thin cardigan for travel, plus a couple of last-minute changes to the rucksack contents. I emptied the bin, had breakfast, washed up, vacuumed the flat and decided there was no point in waiting around any longer, I might as well be on my way.
I'm glad I did because the bus replacement service at Luton was over-subscribed / under-provided, or so it seemed. Perhaps their supply and demand confidence exceeds mine, but the net result was that I arrived at St Pancras with enough time to settle in with no cause for any travel-anxiety.
Everything went as smoothly as it possibly could have, a choir entertained us at St Pancras as we queued for the Eurostar, the buffet car on the train did indeed sell tickets for the Paris Metro, navigating the Metro was far less stressful than the last time I tried it, and before I knew anything I was in the correct couchette in the correct coach on the correct train for my adventure.
What could possibly go wrong?

Main – Bedford
Extra 1 – St Pancras
Extra 2 – Paris Austerlitz

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