
By memento

Claw of death

It wasn't pretty...every last maple seedling that dared to sprout in the wrong place met with this fate today. Every last one.

The garden I worked so hard to plant last year shall have no haphazard little sprouty things disrupting the careful groupings and thoughtful consideration to color combinations of plants. No siree.

This cold hearted resolve lasted for a good while until I made the mistake of studying one closely, noticing the tiny veins and sturdy stem ending in a brave little root. It was so sweet, so pretty and I was such a tree murderer for pulling it out.

It occurred to me that the pesky sprout I was holding had within it all the genetic material to produce a majestic hundred foot tall tree with a massive trunk, gnarled branches and yes, its very own millions of winged seeds to produce more pesky little sprouts...

Cold hearted resolve found again...any new ones after today best find a place to hide.

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