Butterflies and more

There was a lot going on at our Buddleja. Butterfly bush is definitely a right name for it.
I was glad that the second Swallowtail appeared again today. It was missing for a while. Obviously it had a rough time. It is amazing that it still can fly without obvious problems.
In the extra you can find some more visitors.
I could have watched them all day long and I was very distracted when I tried to finish the shelves in our mini shed ;-)
But it is ready now and I can continue with my next project tomorrow.
We had a late online family talk and when Teba was finally in her bed I collapsed onto the couch for a short nap and ignored the alarm until H0tamer chased me in my bed. So this is a backblip at the next afternoon. And no time for comments, but you are used to this.
My apologises nevertheless!

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