Another Work in Progress

And the reason why nothing else gets done. Knowing my proclivity for wanting to use lots of different fabrics in in a quilt, I picked a pattern that was 'scrappy'. And so specific that it actually listed the exact fabrics used in the photograph. It turned out to be not so scrappy as the triangles are quite large, and trickier to make than it looks. I think I knew in my head that buying more fabrics was not the answer, but it took Dana coming over and having a look at it to help me eliminate most of them. I now have a plan I'm happy with and work continues.

Jim is still testing positive for Covid although they figure he had active symptoms over two weeks ago, and only for a few days. But as Dana says, today is a work day, and he works remotely, so it doesn't matter as much. I suspect he was probably driving her crazy over the long holiday weekend....

Today was one of those days when nothing happens all day and then everything happens at once. A neighbor came by to borrow something and stayed for awhile to chat, then David came by with ideas for relocating the guest bathroom shower head which is too high for many people to reach. 

Ground squirrels have eaten three of the new plants we bought on Saturday. Down to the ground. John is on the warpath. I'm still basking in the glow of all the favorites for my 10 year blip and even for the thank you blip the next day. You really are a wonderful lot.

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