this luminous life.

By Laura

[Since this blip is tiny, [url=]here is a larger version[/url].]

I finally went to a Cubs game tonight,
thanks to Nate (who was a great host)!
The weather forecast called for severe thunderstorms
so I was afraid the game would be canceled.
However, there was very little rain when we arrived
and despite a forty-minute delay, the game went on.
During the game, the rain fell heavily on and off
with extremely strong winds making us cold
but we were okay since we had seats under shelter.
In the middle of the eighth inning,
the downpour was so tremendous
that the game was called (Cubs won!)
and we all left the stadium soaking wet
while the lightning flashed, wind roared, and rain poured.
Pizza and Sex and the City ended the night. :)

Field an hour prior to the game.
Field an hour into the game (blip alternative).
Field even later.
Field during the downpour!

a year ago: clothesline.

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