Malurion hardd

Malurion hardd ~ Beautiful debris

“The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera.”
—Dorothea Lange

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* NB: I'm a Welsh learner (and probably always will be!). I write Blipfoto posts in Welsh first and then translate them to English. If you happen to read the Welsh I've written, I would appreciate any suggestions for improvement. *

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O dro i dro rydw i'n ceisio ffeindio amser i fynd trwy'r malurion o fy ffotograffiaeth.  Ar hyn o bryd mae fwy na 150,000 ffotograff gyda fi. Gormod. Pwy sy eisiau cymaint? Rydw i'n gweithio, yn drefnus, o'r hynaf i'r mwyaf newydd. Rydw i yn 2009, felly mae ffordd hir i fynd eto.

Mae'n ddiddorol oherwydd bod rydw i'n edrych ar y ffotograffau ar yr amser cyntaf mewn deng mlynedd. Felly rydw i'n gweld nhw gyda llygaid newydd (a hen lygaid hefyd) ac yn gallu gwerthfawrogi nhw eto, neu ddileu nhw yn gyflym.

Rydw i'n trio fynd trwy'r ffotograffau yn gyflymach na un diwrnod y ddiwrnod (os rydych chi'n gweld beth rydw i'n ystir) ac rydwi'n gobeithio dal y fyny gyda fy hunan mewn deng mwy o flynyddoedd.

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Every now and then I try to find time to go through the debris from my photography. I currently have more than 150,000 photographs. Too many. Who wants that many? I'm working, methodically, from oldest to newest. I'm in 2009, so there's still a long way to go.

It's interesting because I'm looking at the photographs for the first time in ten years. So I see them with new eyes (and old eyes too) and can appreciate them again, or quickly delete them.

I'm trying to go through the photographs faster than one day per day (if you see what I mean) and I hope to catch up with myself in ten more years.

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