Wednesday: Trapped

It was such a glorious day today that can you blame me for feeling distinctly trapped in my office.  Working is so much easier when it's raining and skies are grey, methinks.......

Wednesdays are always exciting, though, because it is the day our mail arrives from London.  It used to be more exciting in the days pre-email and pre-Internet but it is still not to be sniffed at.  Today, I got my most recent subscription of Granta to which I have subscribed for years.  The current edition is their long-awaited Best of Young British Novelists which they bring out every 10 years.  You only need to look at their predictions in 1983, 1993 and 2003 to see how right they get it.

So, when I look back on this blip in 10 years, the following will, according to Granta, have proven themselves to be the next generation of writers:

Naomi Alderman, Tahmima Anam, Ned Beauman, Jenni Fagan, Adam Foulds, Xiaolu Guo, Sarah Hall, Steven Hall, Joanna Kavenna, Benjamin Markovits, Nadifa Mohamed, Helen Oyeyemi, Ross Raisin, Sunjeev Sahota, Taiye Selasi, Kamila Shamsie, Zadie Smith, David Szalay,  Adam Thirlwell and Evie Wyld.

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