Windmill 'De Windhond', Soest

'Windhond' = 'Wind Dog'  :D))
'Soest' sounds like 'Soost'.

The clouds and the white paint of the mill make me think of sheets hanging on the line.  There is a little gift shop inside the mill but I didn't buy anything.  It's a fairly new mill -- built in 2008.  Still a lot of wind to blow.  I like the idea that people aren't done yet building windmills.  Long may they stand, long may they turn in the wind.

Some laundry rinsing later in the afternoon, a lot of MOOCking, but the most important bit is that my writing mojo seems to be working again.  Continued Chapter 15 but did not finish it, but the ideas are coming back and that was what I was waiting for.  Last but not least, got a phone call from Randstad, calling for the NS, the national train company.  I said I had looked at the vacancies after that disastrous speeddating event, and they were all for mechanics, and I wasn't one, so I didn't bother to apply, but now they'll see if there might be another opening for me.  I'm not holding my breath, but it would be good if I could work again, at least to earn some income.

Thanks for dropping by!

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