Riverford Boxes

A trip to the surgery for more blood tests for my husband. Then on the way back I noticed that the “spanner” light was on in the car. I telephoned the garage and took it straight round where Dave confirmed it needed a service in 100 miles. So I booked her in for a service and MOT later in July and before the wedding.

Then we went into Cambridge as I wanted to get a belt for my dress and a few other bits and pieces. It was very busy with tourists as well as a lot of foreign language children who did not seem to understand the queuing system and just walked to the front of the queue. The sales lady said it had been like that all day; if I been the saleslady I would have pointed out the queue and made them join it.

Today’s picture was taken from above in the Grand Arcade of the Riverford Organic vegetable cox company; my box was waiting for me on the doorstep when I returned home

The temperature today at noon today was twenty-two degrees Celsius.


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