Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

It's been hot and sunny today but ferociously windy. I think Mystère may be cross with me for failing to provide adequate lap time, I shall find out shortly.

I have indeed ventured a little further today, though the shop I found was almost identical to the one in the village, and so I wondered why I had bothered. Perhaps I should have explored further, but when I stepped out of the car I noticed that my feet have balooned and I could barely get my sandals back on after driving barefoot, as I prefer. So I think I shall have to lie on the couch with my feet up and not go for an evening dip as I had hoped. Let's see if my charge responds favourably.

After blipping yesterday I finally decided that the time was right to actually cook for myself, it's been another of my paranoia issues for a silly amount of time – feeding oneself directly from the fridge is not a helpful long-term survival regime. I had all the ingredients to hand, plus a kitchen designed for food prep, the perfect slipway!

Most of the time I don't add music to my life, but I chose to add this while cooking. It wasn't loud and I don't know if the villagers conversing around the fountain could hear, and neither do I care. Partway through the medley I was reminded of this, which made me laugh out loud.

When I was an ex-pat British host in Greece I made a point of placing Greek culture right in front of my guests, so Melina Mercouri was right there, and were I to have a similar role in Britain I'd have Chas & Dave and Madness in exactly that same spot on the entertainment shelf.

So if local villagers were affronted by my Edith Piaf orgy, well you know what? Cliché is a French word ;-)

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