I didn't think today would end up being an EB day, but here we are...
Lots of creative bits and bobs, including doing a bit more design to this Spanish/English Bible. Asha enjoyed having a go on some wooden discs, making some little personalised things for Isabel and Charlie...and Nate did a self portrait too. 
Team meeting was cancelled about 20 minutes before it started as one of the girls tested positive for Covid and they've all been under the weather. We tested as we'll be with older folks tomorrow - negative thankfully! We've got a lot of food now! The kids were disappointed not to have the team over - it's their favourite night of the week. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Another successful swimming session for Nate.
2) Boris deciding to step down - who will be next though?!!
3) Mom arriving in France safely. 

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