What Have I Done

to deserve this?

Don't get me wrong, I know I'm much better off than a lot of people, but I wish things didn't go so theatrically wrong, so often, as it sometimes seems happens to me. Bad Granny thinks there's a hex on me.

Following the THREE new tyres and AA callout earlier this month, I got back to the carpark (indoors, with a roller shutter) to find someone had smashed the passenger side window. Adding insult to injury they didn't take any of my CDs and went off with about £3 in cash. There were about 15 cars in the carpark when I got there, and only ours had been broken in to. Pah.

I suppose the bright cloud should be that, nowadays the repairer comes to your house the same night. As long as you don't think about the insurance excess you have to pay. Argh.

It's been a horrendous month all round really. I'm trying to catch up with backblips, here's a couple anyway....

Poop Poop! (for StuartDB)
Baby Sheeps

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