
By Cari


I came home at lunch and walked around the garden. This crow landed just above me, pretty close. They are usually kind of timid. Well, I have done a bit of reading about crows and it turns out that studies show that they have amazing memories. They remember human faces and associate that face to good or bad. There was a story of a man in Seattle who whenever outside bunches of crows would fly around cawing in what seemed like anger. Come to find out, that man had shot a crow fledgling a couple years back. They also remember good. A lady at her work place would always walk around the campus with some cat food dropping it as she went. The crows always followed her staying calm and quiet. Kind of interesting, I think.

Well, I feed a crow every morning. It is usually up on the wire near my car. I keep a bag of breads and stuff in my car for 'emergency' feedings. I always share if "my" crow is waiting. I wonder if this crow knew my face and was wanting a treat. Maybe that is why it was relaxed and staying close. It knows my face :)
and I'm a nice person

Went to the doctor this morning. My hands are all taped. I have an extra herb to take. I will keep going and hope to keep feeling good!
It was another busy busy day at the office
and another gorgeous warm day, but windy.
Tomorrow is the full moon! Maybe a rising moon photo tomorrow????

Happy Wednesday

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