
That was a funny thing. It is Jo’s birthday today, the third one she has missed now. I was just thinking about her and wondering if I should go and buy some of our favourite crisps when I saw this butterfly. I can’t remember the last time I saw a butterfly in the garden. I didn’t bother about the crisps, I just thought about her a bit more and how it’s now exactly two months to my birthday (Jo was a big a fan of birthdays as me).

Before that a lovely walk with Ella, we are going back next week with a foraging book as all the plants are in full swing and we can never remember what they are. Then some gardening, most areas are now weeded, new plants planted and all re- mulched which makes it all look clean and tidy. Watched Rock Stein in Bologna in prep for October mini break, it looks so fantastic. Grand Prix sprint then for a swim with Emma in the sea. Proper swimming and then beers on the beach, a beautiful evening to be v happy to live in Worthing.

Home for dinner and umbrella academy with Jay and Will.

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