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On This Day In History
1940: The Battle Of Britain begins

Quote Of The Day
"Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour.'"
(Sir Winston Churchill)

For the past few days I have been taking photographs using my school i-Pad. This is because my laptop died. Thankfully, I have my school laptop at home for the duration of the summer holiday. However, the school laptop has no socket for the size of SD-card which my camera uses, which is why I uploaded photos from the i-Pad.

This morning, Mrs. Esper got my laptop working again, so I am ready to start using my camera again. This photo was taken on the i-Pad so that I could photograph my camera.

Yesterday I finished reading The Terror, and when I returned from Kobe, there was a parcel outside the door; Amazon had delivered Speaking Bones, the fourth and final installment of Ken Liu's outstanding Dandelion Chronicles. By a strange coincidence, I had just finished a Dan Simmons book, Hyperion, before commencing The Veiled Throne.

Fishing Junks At Sunset (Just learned that Jean-Michel Jarre did not compose this beautiful piece of music, as I had always believed. It's a traditional Chinese tune; Jarre composed the segues from Chinese instruments to synthesizer.)

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