Battle of the Buddleia ….

3 Silver Washed Fritillaries were flying, fighting, then settling to feed on the Buddleia this morning. I didn’t expect them settle on just one bloom!

Then there was the battle of the 9th stage of the Tour de France, with Bob Jungels (extra) winning the stage by a long way. I nearly missed him he was so far ahead when the group (2nd extra) passed the end of our road. 

Then the gladiators of Wimbledon, what a tense match! Glad that Djokovic won. I want to send Kirgios to a psychologist, poor guy, he is like an angry adolescent.

Meanwhile real battles are going on in Ukraine and it feels like such a waste and there seems to be no solution or end to the war there. How I feel for these people.

Thanks so much for the lovely comments on yesterday’s Green Lake reflections too. Hope you have had a good weekend.

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