Tiger Lilies

Another lazy day for this crew. I used uncooked cinnamon rolls and my homemade applesauce from last night to make apple turnovers for breakfast. The house smelled wonderful. Found these lilies blooming at the corner of our home while the pastries baked. The deer usually eat all the buds but I covered the plants this year. We are such creatures of habit. When we got to church, folks were leaving instead of arriving. That’s when we realized we were over an hour early. All our other Masses start on the hour. We were going to 11:30 Mass. We used the extra time to be nosey. There was an accident last night where a car ran into a brick building. We thought it was a home and went to investigate. Turns out it was the only hookah bar in the county. No great loss but there were serious injuries. We have a new priest to assist our pastor. He grew up in our county and he belonged to neighboring parish. But he was closely associated with our pastor, deacon and youth minister who guided his path to the priesthood through their Faith and sincere devotion to God. We are delighted he was assigned to St. John’s. He worked at our summer camp during college and our young folks are pleased as well. Hubby gave me a “birthday” jar with gift cards years ago. I pulled one for today’s lunch; another great meal at Cracker Barrel. It was nap time when we got home. I downloaded photos off my camera and deleted them off the card. Worked to clean more text conversations off my phone. And that is it. The kitties were happy to cuddle. Certainly hope your weekend was as restful as ours. I read there were two mass killings in South Africa. No continent is safe from lunatics. Stay safe. Thanks for dropping by. “The people who influence us are those who have stood unconsciously for the right thing. They are like the stars and the lilies, and the joy of God flows through them all the time.” - Oswald Chambers

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