Lazy day

Badly slept, my knees hurt during the night, so the day has been kind of lazy. Knitting in the backyard pavilion with Nicke the poodle. And I have been listening to series of an e-books "The clan of the cave bear" (1980) by Jean M. Untinen-Auel. Today I started the second book "Valley of horses" (1982). The series of the books is telling a story of European old civilatilos, a journey from neandertal and cro magnon humans to moderm times... 

Warm day, sweaty walks with the dog. In the news a thoroughful thunderstorm has been forecasted to come tomorrow. Hails, rain and everything.

+22c soft and sunny. In the extra there is the colors of the skies after the sunset at 11pm. By us there is this saying that "iltarusko, aamun pasko" that is rosy skies in the evening make shitty morning. It really often goes like that here - and just think how odd, as the saying is told vise versa in other parts of the country. 


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