my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie

Also old enough

If you saw yesterday's blip you will know that I got ID'd yesterday buying wine at the supermarket.

It happened again today, except this time Sam was with me. Would they have served him if he tried without me there? He doesn't carry ID so he's now concerned. Admittedly, he looks slightly younger with his beard shaved off but still not 25!

(Once we were in Waitrose and the lady on the till said she'd only sell us the wine if it was Sam that was buying it on account of me being underage.)

fun day today - collected logs from Mortonhall golf course - they will be planked and made into some lovely stuff.
Had SVQ assessor observing me this afternoon. He reckons he can get quite a bit knocked off and get my progress up. We'll see. I am not motivated or filled with confidence to be honest.

Sam's off to the pub tonight to see old school. I might don the overalls and get a bit of the ceiling painted... Might.

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