Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

The Milkmaid

(Original by Johannes Vermeer)

Project for my art class.

Draw, paint, or construct artwork based on a recognised well known painting. It’s main subject should be man, woman or child and you must complete the art in under 30 minutes. Furthermore you must invent an internal dialogue the subject is having which can be serious or amusing and should be approx 100 words long.

Your submission to be made by 6pm Friday 15th July and awards and discussion at 8pm by zoom same evening.

As you can see I have done a rough drawing of the Milkmaid. Old Man Vermeer’s effort is here

and this evening I will be writing 100 words on what the mildmaid has to do to conceal the fact from Her Lady that she has broken the best piece of delph in the house.

I look forward to what my fellow students come up with (French, Spanish and British)

Great fun

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