My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Folkestone Harbour

N and I had our third date in four days today! We’re making the most our L free days before she finishes school next week.

Today we went to Folkestone. We haven’t been here since 2014. Since our last visit much of the harbour area has been completely renovated and rejuvenated. The derelict station at the old ferry terminal has been restored and become full of wildflowers and butterflies. The rest of the harbour arm has become little cafés and bars and there is even an Anthony Gormley sculpture underneath!

We had a lovely paddle and some good fish and chips followed by an ice cream before heading home to collect L from her childminder who collected her from school today.

Tooth fairy news... L was excited to find some coins in her little bag this morning. The tooth fairy left a note to say that the first tooth is worth more than the rest as it’s full of more magic to be made into happiness for sad children. L was thrilled that her tooth is going to help others. She’s such a sweetie.

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