A New Day

By ANewDay

"Where the Bee Sucks .....

...There suck I, In a cowslip's bell I lie". Couldn't resist this picture and quotation as it was the first cowslips I've seen this year. However, on closer inspection on my computer, I realised that it wasn't a bee at all and a quick Google told me it's actually a bee-fly (Bombylius major). I have to admit I'd never heard of them or seen one before!

I spotted this and lots of other flowers on a walk with a friend from my U3A Photography group, as our next subject is Spring. We had a huge choice between the cowslips, wild violets, wood anemones, buttercups and a couple we couldn't identify, so I think we've got plenty material for our next offerings.

The weather couldn't make up its mind what it was doing today, with sunshine and showers and a definite nip in the breeze, so it was off and on with the warm coat:-) Possible frost tonight, so all the tender plants have gone back in the greenhouse - just in case!

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