Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


Despite the lack of rain and the hot days we’ve had of late the canal is full of thick, green growth and a real joy to behold now that I’ve restarted my morning walks. 

The curious thing about this building is that the left hand side is just a facade. Approaching it from the side you can see that the door opens on… to nothing. Maybe they ran out of money.

Anyway, another day of wading knee high through the fetid swamplands of the NHS only to arrive back where you started. And talking of stinky waters, the Tory leadership contest has descended very rapidly into a mud slinging farce.

TSM continues to make progress and is in a good place mentally. Her sister arrived from Australia early this morning but needs a couple of days of negative covid tests before they can meet up. When you’ve had major surgery an infection on the road to recovery is definitely to be avoided.

Lovely FaceTime with Strider this evening.

We’re doing okay.

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