The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Evening light

I love the way the light warms our evening walk up the rail track behind  our house. Curtesy of Mr. Beeching, there is no railway  now, but a great dog walk. 
 Every day when I do have a dog, I meet many others and it's  great for training.  Unfortunately  there are some dogs and dog owners that never socialise  their dogs and they appear vicious.  A little everyday can help.
My last, but one puppy was nicknamed MonStar. She wouldn't  walk past any dog. She would lie down or slink behind my back for protection.  With continual walking along 'Dog ally', she became confident  with plenty of treats taken from her food allowance as rewards for good behaviour. I don't like coming across  as a 'know it all', type, but I wish others wouldn't least try to make their dogs happier in dog company. 
Sorry if it turned  into a bit of a rant, but dog owning/ walking is not just that, it does take some effort.


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