In out, Bob done!

I chose this photo out of the many I have taken in the past 24 hours because Sarah said that this was her favourite part of the Bob Graham Rround - running up through Keswick towards the Moot Hall with her pacers and friends from the Hart Fell Hillrunning Club. Her time was 21 hours and 44 minutes, for 66 miles, 42 summits and 26000 feet of ascent through the dark of the night and the heat of the day. To see her running up the High Street with a big smile on her face was so good. Everyone seemed to have had a brilliant day out - and it has been a total pleasure to be part of her support team. We have been there at all the road crossings, when Sarah sat down for 3 or 4 minutes to change socks or shoes and to fill the food and water supplies for outgoing pacers. The pacers who had finished needed transporting and a bed or a sofa in our house for a few hours, and then it was all change for the next stage.

This has been years in the planning and now it’s done. Sarah’s knees are sore and she has lost a toenail. Freddie had cooked caponata in the early hours of this morning for tonight’s dinner and after Sarah had eaten it, she showered and went to bed.

I should probably be in bed now but although I’ve had about an hours sleep in the past 24, I’m still awake. Luke, Laura, Freddie and I have been to the White Horse for a drink and now it really is bedtime.

Good night all :-)

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