
Adre ~ Home

You should regard your home life as a golden opportunity to experience nowness, by taking an interest in all the details of your life. Interest is simply applying awareness to what goes on in your everyday life—awareness while your cooking, while you’re driving, while you’re changing diapers, even awareness while you’re arguing. Such awareness can help to free you from speed, chaos, neurosis and resentment. It can free you from the obstacles to nowness, so that you can cheer up on the spot, all the time.
—Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

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Wel, dyma ni, adre eto. Does neb ohonon ni'n iach. Rydyn ni wedi dioddef gyda gormod o haul, gormod o wres, goromod o gerdded hefyd.

Roedd diwrnod tawel heddiw, lle'r tri ohonon ni yn ceisio cadw cŵl. Treuliais i'r rhan fwyaf o'r dydd yn postio Blipfotos o'r gwyliau. Mae'n rhyfedd i fod yn edrych yn ôl ar y gwyliau'n barod. Llawer o gofion gwych, on gwnaeth yr amser hedfan mor gyflym.

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Well, here we are, home again. None of us are healthy. We have suffered with too much sun, too much heat, too much walking too.

Today was a quiet day, where the three of us tried to keep cool. I spent most of the day posting Blipfotos from the holidays. It's strange to be looking back on the holidays already. Lots of great memories, but the time flew by so quickly.

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